Huang-Sheng Su
Based in London

1987    Born in Taoyuan, Taiwan
2017    M.F.A., Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of Arts
Solo Exhibitions
2020 VISUAL-LOG,Ink Studio,Beijing
2019 Unspoken,Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei
2017 Made In Taiwan, 2017 Art Taipei, Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei
2016 Appearance, Nanhai Gallery, Taipei

Group Exhibitions     
2023 The 10:10 Tie, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, Taipei
2023 Mind the gap, bísút, Taipei
2022 In the era of quarantine- modern hermits, MoonGallery, Taichung
2022 Contemporariness:The origin of tradition, Ink Studio, Taipei
2022 Telling a Story with You: Where Have All the clouds Gone?, Taipei Fine Arts Museum,Taipei
2022 CTBC Painting Prize,Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei
  2018 Beyond Brush and Ink, Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei
2018 NO Conversation, HOUSE ART CONTEMPORARY, Taoyuan 
2017 Paralle Land — 2017 Next Super Star, CANS Tea & Book Shop, Taipei
2017 Memories Interwoven and Overlapped: Post-Martial Law Era Ink Painting in Taiwan, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung 
2016 Inter vs. Trans — When ink meets eastern gouache, Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei
2015 Duo Solo Exhibition, H.T Gallery, Beijing
2015 Ink‧Color‧A Fine Boundary, Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei
2015 Kaohsiung Award, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung

2014 New Overview of the Island — Contemporary Water-ink Painting in Taiwan, iP Gallery, Hualien
2014 Metamorphosis and Regeneration, Da xiang art space, Taichung
2013 Ink Painting Online — Net Generation Joint Exhibition, Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei

2022 CTBC Painting Prize, Merit Prize
2019 Grantee of Asia Culture Council, Residency program in New York, United States
2017 Art Taipei MIT, Taipei world trade center, Taipei
2015 Kaohsiung Award Ink Painting Selected Awards

2019 Residency of Visual Art, Asian Cultural Council, New York, United States
Public Collection
Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts
Taiwan Fine Art Foundation, Art Bank Tawian

1987 生於台灣桃園
2017 國立台北藝術大學美術創作研究所水墨組畢業
2020 視覺志,墨齋,北京
2019 空城之計,赤粒藝術,台北
2017 MIT新人推薦特區,2017台北國際藝術博覽會,台北
2016 製相術,國立台北教育大學南海藝廊,台北

2023 上半場比數 10:10, 台灣當代文化實驗場, 台北
2023 Mind the gap, bísút, 台北
2022 在自我邊緣的年代─現代的隱逸,月臨畫廊,台中
2022 傳統延續自當代|論水墨的當代性,墨齋,台北
2022 跟你說個故事:雲朵不見了,臺北市立美術館,台北
2022 中國信託當代繪畫獎,關渡美術館,台北

2018 筆墨‧之外,赤粒藝術,台北
2018 不再對話,HOUSE ART當代藝術,桃園

2017 夢土─2017年未來大明星展,台北罐子茶書館,台北
2017 記憶的交織與重疊─後解嚴台灣水墨,國立台灣美術館,台中
2016 墨、彩 異趣,赤粒藝術,台北 
2015 雙人展,H.T Gallery,北京
2015 彩˙墨 限界,赤粒藝術,台北
2015 高雄獎,高雄市立美術館,高雄  
2014 新˙島嶼全覽—台灣當代水墨,乙皮畫廊,花蓮
2014 變異與再生,大象藝術中心,台中
2013 水墨Online—N世代聯展,赤粒藝術,台北

2022 中國信託當代繪畫獎,優選
2019 亞洲文化協會台灣基金會,獎助計畫,紐約,美國
2017 台北國際藝術博覽會MIT新人特區
2015 高雄獎,水墨膠彩組入選

2019 視覺藝術駐村計畫,亞洲文化協會台灣基金會,紐約,美國

Huang-Sheng SU all rights reserved 2023